About KappadathTharavad.com

This will probably be the first dedicated site for our family.

Being part of the same family,how much do we know about one other?
How much or how little do we know about "Kappadath Tharavad" and its history?

Kappadath family members have over the last five centuries,branched out
to different fields. We are indebted to Sri.K.P.Ram Menon(our Tharavattu Karanavar)
for his vision,inspiration and motivation, without which this venture would not have materialized.
His effort to seek back History of Kappadath Tharavad and the inspiration and motivation
that he showered on us encouraged us to form such a Trust and thereby bringing family members more close to each other.

We hope this website will definitely help us to know one another,create a feeling of oneness
among members and above all,bring us together to work and assist in the Trust which is in its infancy.

As time passes,more features will be added to this site.

Comments and suggestions are welcome


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